Friday 7 July 2017

Emma Cousin Art Scholars Master Class

On Friday 10th February we invited artist Emma Cousin to run a masterclass for our art scholars. Emma Cousin is a practising, artist helps run and curate independent art gallereies in London and has recentkly completed a residency at Wimbledon School of Art. 

23 art scholars from the U3 to the U6 participated on the day including an ex-student and art scholar from 2012 Isobel Ramos who has recently graduated with a 1st Class Fine Art Honours degree from Falmouth University. The day was a fantastic melting pot of ages and talent. 

The masterclass focused on creativity and invent
ion. The scholars were invited by Emma to look at signs and symbols and how they might be used in pictorial, narrative, figurative, abstract art and cartooning. Sophie Ives (L5) tooth brush sketches came alive on the paper as if animated by Disney.

There was plenty of drawing and painting, particularly using mark making techniques and composition. Motifs were considered and how they interact imaginatively with different art forms and contexts. But creative fun was the essential ingredient of the day where activities included a banana workshop, and a walking exercise, the scholars had to pass invisible objects each other before visualising and painting them.

 At the end of the day the scholars had developed a personal vocabulary and produced inventive and imaginative imagery of their own, this included a marmite dragon by Millie Rodger and  a watering can/ basket ball piece by Natalia Dale.

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