Wednesday 29 June 2016

St Ives Tour 2016

L5 Art Textile and Art students embarked on the annual trip to St Ives in May half term. Mrs Turnbull and Mrs and Mrs Taylor, took 17 girls along the coast on the train, on a cultural tour of this world famous part of Cornwall. The girls were able to make observational studies of the Modernist bronzes of Barbara Hepworth in her beautiful sculpture garden, have first hand experience of throwing pots at the Bernard Leach Pottery, as well as enjoy the tropical plant forms in the Amazon Biome at The Eden Project. One of the trip highlights however, was our visit to Pothmeor Studios, where girls were given an invaluable insight into 'The St Ives School', followed by a practical workshop and walking tour of the town. Students learned how to abstract the landscape by breaking it down into the simplest of forms, using artists such as Peter Lanyon and Patrick Heron as inspiration.

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