Tuesday 15 March 2016

Visit to Radley College's Sewell Art Centre

On Tuesday 2nd February a small group of 6th form artists and photographers visited Radley College’s Sewell Centre Art Gallery, located within their art department to look around the current Optical Art Exhibition -  ‘The Responsive Eye Revisited’. Work on show includes original pieces by Bridget Riley, Antonio Asis and Francois Morelett among others. The original ‘Responsive Eye’ exhibition was originally exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, New York in 1965 and this is the first time much of the work has been shown to the public since then. This video shows the opening night of the original exhibition in 1965 attended by artists such as David Hockney and Larry Rivers.

The students were able to look around and photograph the exhibition as well as have a guided tour from Radley’s Head of Art, Ian Ellis focussing on a few key pieces. The students then took part in a short workshop exploring the graphic tendencies of Optical art in portraying portraiture as well as further time to look at the work.

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