Wednesday 13 May 2015

Centenary Arts Festival 'Post Card' Exhibition at The Ashmolean

The world renowned Ashmolean Museum in Oxford was transformed into an art gallery for the evening on March 6th, as the highlight of the Art Schools Centenary celebrations. Gallery 2 was opened by keynote speaker and revered artist Jason Bowyer, who was awe inspired by the quality of art work produced by Headington pupils, spanning from 11 to 18 years. Work of alumni was also on display, including pieces by Emma Watson and Saatchi competition winner Eugenie Scrase.

In the run up to the exhibition, every girl in the school had the opportunity to visit one of the Oxford Museums, in order to inform and inspire the piece of work created especially for the show. Oxford Museum of Natural History, The Pitt Rivers Museum and The Ashmolean kindly opened their doors to us, sharing with us their treasures and expertise. Parents were able to marvel at the results,while enjoying a glass of champagne and delicious canape in the remarkable setting of the Museum.

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