Wednesday 5 November 2014

L4 Trip to The Oxford University Museum of Natural History

The L4 spent the day exploring the zoological and earth collections at The Oxford University Museum of Natural History. Girls used a range of mixed-media to make observational drawings from thousands of geological and zoological specimens. Work produced will be developed into final designs for the forthcoming exhibition at The Ashmolean, as part of the art school Centenary celebrations.

6th Form Trip to The Royal Academy to see Anselm Kiefer

The Sixth form art students visited an exhibition of work by Anselm Kiefer, the internationally renowned contemporary artist. They marvelled at the scale, unusual use of materials and the epic narratives Kieffer employed in his work. From canvases, photographs, large sculptures, his use of wood, straw, earth, tar, molten metal, ashes and constructed mixed-media inspired the girls to re-consider their own practice.

U3 Visit to The Ashmolean

As part of the Centenary celebrations, the U3 studied Egyptian art in The Ashmolean. The focus of the visit was to look at the figure, animals and symbolism. The girls worked hard drawing in a variety of media, including pencil, pens and iPads. This work will form the basis of the girls submission for the Centenary Exhibition in The Ashmolean in March in 2015.