Monday 30 June 2014

L5 experimental sensory drawing workshop.

Private View

You are all invited to The Art School Private View this Friday from 4-7.30pm, for music, canape and a broad range of work from GCSE and A Level students.

Year 9 Art Textiles students visit St Ives.

Girls drew, painted, stitched and pressed clay clay into rocks at St Ives this June. Blessed with fantastic weather, art textiles students were able to work on the beach and cliff tops for most of the tour. The rest of the time was spent at The Tate St Ives, celebrating its 21st Birthday with an outstanding exhibition International Exchanges:Modern Art and St Ives 1915-1965. Girls also spent time studying sculpture at The Barbara Hepworth Sculpture Garden and were given a pot throwing display at the world famous Leach Pottery Studio

Performance Artist

Alicia Fidler, one of our two artists in residence, performs within her installation 'TOI', within the school grounds.


L6 Architecture Day.

Art students constructed a head from inside-out.The approach was volumetric and students had to consider plans and sections whist working on a scale of 1:1.

The approach was volumetric and students had to consider plans and sections whist working on a scale of 1:1.

L6 Art Enrichment Tour to New York during Easter

Art Students visited The Metropolitan, Moma and The Witney Museum, taking inspiration for their coursework.Sight seeing included a visit up The Empire State building as well as studying the architecture  in Grand Central Station.