Tuesday 25 March 2014

Eleanor McCullough at Edingburgh College of Art
Eleanor left Headington in 2012 having achieved full marks and a 100% score in Art A level. Eleanor believes strongly in the primacy of drawing and the use of sketchbooks which is clearly evident in her wonderfully fluid and beautiful work. To see her work in detail, have a look at her website (below).

Monday 24 March 2014

IB Art Exhibition

U6 IB art students present a selection of their work to family and friends.

Mrs Turnbull produces a range of botanical prints using 'heat reactive inks' printed onto a variety of silk fabrics. The heat-press is new to the art textiles department, kindly donated by 'Friends' of Headington.  Both Year 8 & 9 have had fun experimenting with transfer printing and foiling, both during school and in after school club, run by Mrs Turnbull.

Our in-house marionette maker and art technician Mark Porter, sculpting a large-scale Rhinoceros as part on an on going personal project. Mark is also a fine-artist and illustrator. Have a look at his blog to see more of his work

Friday 21 March 2014

A selection of i-pad drawings by Mrs Taylor.

These drawings are sketches for ceramic designs made using the app Paper 53. Paper 53 is an excellent, simple and direct drawing app which allows you to create sketchbooks based on different ideas. The tools are straight forward to use and the colour palette easy to access.

Private View

The Artist in Residence held a Private View in The Art School on Friday 14th March. The exhibition was attended by over a hundred people, who were greeted by interactive installations and a range of illustration work that was available for purchase.
Experimental 'Pinhole' images developed by Mr James as part of informing his A Level Course.

Images taken at The Radcliffe Camera, Christchurch Catherdal and The Quad at Headington.

First Year work by IB Students Alicia Green, Evi Rodriguez and Katie White.

Artists in Residence

Rebecca Crompton and Alicia Fidler set up studio on the mezzanine of the Art Department. They intend to spend their time here productively, developing 3D instillation and creating illustrations.

Rebecca Crompton

Alicia Fidler

"My practice explores concepts of physical breaking points and tension within ideas, materials and methods of art making. I have been playing with the idea of physical tension and creating a strain upon material, space and the human body."