Monday 18 November 2013

GCSE Art students visited the V&A to see 'The Memory Palace' .

If you could keep only one memory, what would it be? This was a walk-in story that brought to life a new work of fiction by the author Hari Kunzru. This narrative world was visualised through a series of commissions by 20 internationally acclaimed illustrators, graphic designers and typographers.

The Girls used the opportunity to explore the permanent collection and make some observational drawings from The Cast Gallery.

Thursday 14 November 2013

A Level and GCSE Art Trip to Paris.

Girls enjoyed visiting a number of galleries and museums, including Le Louvre, Le Musee de l'orangerie, Centre Pompidou and Le Musee d'orsay.

Year 9 Enrichment trip to Cass Sculpture Park at Goodwood

Cass Sculpture Foundation is an independent commissioning body dedicated to commissioning new work from emerging and established artists. It was developed as a charitable foundation in 1992 by Wilfred and Jeannette Cass.The Foundation's 26 acre grounds are home to an ever-changing display of 80 monumental sculptures, all of which are available for sale with the proceeds going directly to artists.To date the Foundation has helped produce over 400 works.